Supporting Therapeutic Equestrian Centres
Supporting Therapeutic Equestrian Centres
For every online purchase of $300USD or more, between 16th and 31st of December 2019, Asmar Equestrian will donate a sustainable logo tee. Up to a donation of 500 sustainable logo tees.
After their purchase, customers will receive an email asking which organization they would like to allocate their sustainable logo tee to (Giant Steps Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association, or the third non-profit selected Jan 2nd 2020). If customers do not allocate where they would like their sustainable logo tee to go, Asmar Equestrian will allocate it for them based on an even weight distribution model between the three organizations.
The non-profit organizations have the ability to use the donation in any way they see fit that promotes well-being, thankfulness, or empowerment in their riders, volunteers, or other community members. This could be gifting them to volunteers as a thank you, to their riders to celebrate milestones or accomplishments, or use in fundraising efforts at their next event (silent auctions, etc).
Nominated Non-profits for the third organization will be reviewed on January 2nd 2020 and a finalist will be selected based on their ability to promote wellness in their equestrian community. All submitted organizations but be registered non-profits or charities. If the selected non-profit is not able to receive the donation, the next organization will be contacted.
Have more questions? Feel free to email us at